Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Year: A New Me!

I know what you're thinking. "Ummm, Jen. You do know it's almost March, right? New Year's resolutions were due back in January." To you, my friend, I shout the age old addage: "Better late than never!"

So, for New Year's this year, we had many of our closest friends over for a New Year's shindig. We stayed up way too late for old married parents and ate our weight in food. We played silly games and talked and laughed until our sides ached. But, it was well worth it. The evening got me thinking about the most important things in my life and the changes I'd like to make personally to be a better me!

Here's my no particular order. It may seem shocking at first glance!

1. Eat More healthy.
2. Drink More water.
3. Spend More time with my kids and husband doing spontaneously fun things.
4. Develop an Addiction for exercising.
5. Have a Love Affair with the scriptures.

Disclaimer: I reserve the right to alter this list at any point and time, or even dispose of it completely. You have the right to discard me as a friend or family member if I dispose of the list!

Here is the inspiration behind the list (see the people in the pictures). From these wonderful people I have learned so much about the person I want to be. Thank you wonderful friends for helping motivate me to be better. I'm looking forward to a better me, come 2010! Thanks for the fun on New Year's Eve 2008/New Year's Day 2009! Hope this year is a good one for all of you.


  1. I love your list! Those are great goals. & your party looked great! You guys have so much fun, you inspire me to have more fun!

  2. Sheesh, woman! When you blog, you BLO-OG! Love the list. You're hilarious!

  3. Love your resolutions!! But there's no need for a NEW you- you are wonderfully fabulous just the way you are!

  4. Love your list...glad I read the fine print! :)
